To enter the Mapleton Preserve, take the entrance to the D & R Canal State Park Headquarters at 145 Mapleton Road, Kingston:
Note: MapQuest and other GPS sites give the WRONG location for the Mapleton Preserve. Please use the directions below.
From Route 1: Exit at Ridge Road heading towards the town of Kingston, and drive ~ 1 mile. Stay on Ridge (formerly Division Street) when it bears left. Drive to stop sign at end of road. Turn left onto Academy Street (Academy becomes Mapleton Road). The D&R Canal State Park office and Mapleton Preserve are located 0.2 miles on the left side of the road. (Watch for the white Mapleton Preserve sign, and the brown sign for the D&R Canal State Park.)
From Route 27: Turn onto Academy Street at the traffic light in Kingston (across from the Kingston Cemetery). Academy Street becomes Mapleton Road as it heads towards Route 1. The D&R Canal State Park office and Mapleton Preserve are located 0.3 miles on the left side of the road. (Watch for the white Mapleton Preserve sign, and the brown sign for the D&R Canal State Park.)