Malus ‘Snowcloud’

Crabapples are spring-flowering ornamental trees that are grown for their showy white to pink flowers, which are followed by yellow or red fruit in the fall that can persist into the winter. They are typically small trees that grow well in moderately fertile soil in a sunny position; although they will tolerate partial shade. They are generally of short stature.

The crabapple cultivar known as ‘Snowcloud’ is a small, upright, deciduous tree to about 20 feet tall, with dark green foliage opening with bronzy tints in spring and turning bronzy-yellow in autumn. The long-lasting, scented, semi-double flowers open white from pink buds in late spring and early summer, followed by sparse, small, red/yellow fruit. This row of trees was liberated from a shroud of vines and brush by Eagle Scout Brian Dixon in 2009, with earlier work in the area done by Brian Vargas (2007). When Princeton Nurseries was in operation, these white flowered trees were a trade plant and the stock was used for grafting.